Will Nov. 2nd find Michael Steele to be just another statistic in the unemployment index?

Quite Honestly Mikey old sod it seems that Keith and Mr. Kaine have answered your question quite well. Let alone what President Obama has said about the issue of how the RNC has been funded since the politically polarized decision that was ramrodded through the SOTUS by Chief Justice Roberts for his industrial complex cronies.
I wonder when the wash actually airs out to how big of a scandal this really is if the culpability could even extend to you. Don't forget that for every good con game that gets busted there has to be a fall guy to take the blame (don't think for a minute that Karl will man up for you) and a black man has more than once been found to be the best patsy in the patch.
But then maybe you aren't too worried about looking yourself in the eye, heaven knows you have done pretty well over the last few years avoiding any kind of conscience pangs.
Perhaps you can look up Sarah, Todd and Joe maybe they have a spare bedroom or a scrap to throw you. After all we know her depth of Christian charity for those who are of another ethnicity.