Joel Burns A GAY American Hero
Fort Worth city councilman talks about painful past and tells suicidal gay teens that "it gets better."
Post Date: 10-15-2010
by: Gryphen at the Immoral Minority
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I am going to forewarn you that I watched this on Lawrence O'Donnell's "The Last Word" yesterday and found myself overcome with emotion several times.
However it is a VERY important speech for people to hear in order to help us understand the pain these young men and women are going through. And since Joel Burns bravely told his extremely painful story to the world in order to help these kids, the least we can do is give him twelve minutes of our day to listen.
I have to say that I am not someone easily moved to tears from a video but when I read Gryphens post and watched this video I literally cried like a child.
I along with many other posters at the Immoral Minority all agree that this young man epitomizes the word hero in all senses of the word.
My hat is off to you Mr. Joel Burns.