OK Tea Party what about States rights when it comes to Marijuana?

I darn sure do and I also remember the rants from the likes of the half term quitenator ( hey if she can make up her own language so can I... ) to the tanned one Congressman Boehner and every other wack job Tea Partier that decided to get into politics this year who cried how these actions were in no way against the Constitutional rights of the citizens in Arizona and that in fact the Constitution mandates the states to have that authority and not the Federal Government.
The princess of the GOP Michelle Bachman said that the Attorney General had no business telling the State of Arizona what they should or should not do when it comes to handling immigration and Sharron Angle said that Sheriff Joe Arpio with his get tough attitude was a national hero and that if the government intervenes citizens might be well within their rights to take up arms to defend their rights.
Well I would like to let you all know that that fella Eric Holder is at it again telling another state how to govern itself. Seems that the state of California is holding a vote this election to see if the majority of its citizens think that Marijuana should be made legal in their state and that rascal Holder has vowed that if they do make it legal the Federal Authorities will continue to prosecute the growers and sellers no matter what the citizens say.
The Justice Department remains committed to enforcing the Controlled Substances Act in all states, Holder said.Yep sounds to me like that guy is more than a little serious. I think it is once again time for all of the Tea Partiers to band together like they did in Arizona and run on over to California's aid against this intrusion by the Federal Government on what is clearly a State issue.
"We will vigorously enforce the CSA against those individuals and organizations that possess, manufacture or distribute marijuana for recreational use, even if such activities are permitted under state law," he wrote.
Ok Michell you grab Rush and I will pick up Sharron and her shotgun and meet you there I am sure that Sarah will bring that darling son of hers Trigg . After all that poor state is only trying to be fiscally responsible and balance its budget and create a new industry. So what if it is based on a tax look who it is dope smoking hippies. While we are there maybe we can all join a march to allow same sex marriage since that is also within the right of the state to mandate.
Ummmmm Whats that? Oh I see you only will support agendas that fall into line with your ideals of morality and religious beliefs. Sorry guys you can't have it both ways if you want to support the rights of states to set their own mandates you cannot legislate morality on them when it doesn't meet with your approval.