Political News

Joe Miller looks to East German illegal immigration solutions as a model for America

Say It Ain't So JoeSource: Immoral Minority Post Date: 10-17-2010 Controversial Alaskan Senatorial candidate Joe Miller speaking at a town ...

17 Oct 2010 | 3 comments | Read more

Generation We- The Best Greatest Hope For The Future Of America

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." John W. Whiteside, Founder, Rutherford InstituteI came across a pos...

17 Oct 2010 | 0 comments | Read more
National and World News

Holy Tacos' Flow Chart to predict your vote

So How accurate is this chart in determining how you will vote on November 2nd? If you say you are still undecided then Holy Taco thinks ...

22 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more

Landmark Court Decision- Teachers have no First Ammendment rights concerning what they teach.

Oct. 22 2010Source http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/school_law/2010/10/court_no_free_speech_rights_fo.html An epic and somewhat disturbing r...

22 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more

Brett Farve Sexting Scandal...

Viewer Discretion Advised !!!  Adult Content !!! What more I could say that Bill Maher hasn't on this subject need not be uttered. ...

16 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more
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The Kitchen Sink- All of the News That Is Fit To Print

Powerful words from Keith Olbermann

Little more could I add to this commentary by MSNBCs Keith Olbermann that could better express the responsibilities we all face on Novemb...

27 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more

AFS Proudly announces Joe Miller as its first Ass Hat of the Week

By Proclamation and popular consensus Almost Free Speech happily announces that the recipient of the inaugural Ass Hat of the Week Award ...

22 Oct 2010 | 3 comments| Read more

Chris Mathews tells you why to vote.

Thanks Chris I whole heartedly agree that  if you don't vote you don't have a right to bitch. ...

19 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more

Joe Miller looks to East German illegal immigration solutions as a model for America

Say It Ain't So JoeSource: Immoral Minority Post Date: 10-17-2010 Controversial Alaskan Senatorial candidate Joe Miller speaking at a town ...

17 Oct 2010 | 3 comments| Read more
GLBT Issues and News

Joel Burns A GAY American Hero

Fort Worth city councilman talks about painful past and tells suicidal gay teens that "it gets better."  Post Date: 10-15-2010 ...

16 Oct 2010 | 0 comments| Read more
President Obama
Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi

So just how big will the November losses for Democrats really be?

As Democrats' Message Lags, GOP Poised for Huge Wins in House and Senate Source: Huffington PostPost Date: 10-16-2010Read Full ArticleWASHI...

16 Oct 2010 | Read more
Harry Reed

Lawrence O'Donnell and Chuck Todd Review the Reed / Angle Debate

O'Donnell: "What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Stay in Vegas Tonight"  Lawrence O'Donnell and Chuck Todd review the debate between current ...

17 Oct 2010 | Read more
Sarah Palin

Generation We- The Best Greatest Hope For The Future Of America

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." John W. Whiteside, Founder, Rutherford InstituteI came across a pos...

17 Oct 2010 | Read more
Right Wing Media

NewsCorp and Rupert Muroch grilled by stock holders due to over $1.25m+ in donations to GOP!!!

The Arrogance of a Fox!Rupert Murdoch and the board of News Corp faced tough questions from their share holders today who were concerned ov...

16 Oct 2010 | Read more
Tea Party

OK Tea Party what about States rights when it comes to Marijuana?

Tea Party Hypocrisy Over Marijuana in California... Do you remember a few months ago when Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed State Bill #1...

16 Oct 2010 | Read more
Republican Party Proper

Joe Miller looks to East German illegal immigration solutions as a model for America

Say It Ain't So JoeSource: Immoral Minority Post Date: 10-17-2010 Controversial Alaskan Senatorial candidate Joe Miller speaking at a town ...

17 Oct 2010 | Read more

Generation We- The Best Greatest Hope For The Future Of America

"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." John W. Whiteside, Founder, Rutherford Institute
I came across a post and video today on one of the numerous blog and news sites that I frequent ( actually one of my favorites called the Immoral Minority  ) entitled "My little girl and the power of tomorrow". 

The post was made by the owner of the blog named Gryphen and detailed how his daughter was responsible for his coming to be a blog master some 6 years previously but had never really been interested in the blog itself. He goes on to to mention that she is the one who found this video and insisted he post it.

Generation WE: The Movement Begins... from Generation We on Vimeo

The pride he has in his child, her hopes, dreams and accomplishments resonated very strongly with me as I am also a parent of 2 Generation We children. 

I have watched this phenomenon of social responsibility bud very early  in my kids as well as others to a degree I didn't think was normal considering I didn't become politically active till I was well in My late 20's or even early 30's. I just really didn't think it was as wide spread as this video depicts.

This got me to thinking. Was this just because of the Nature/Nurture theory that children are products of their environmental support structure? If so it holds that many of our parents did a bang up job raising us so in turn we did even better with our own kids. At least I hope that is the case and if so then I (as Gryphen said) would like to give myself a little pat on the back and my parents a big hug for what they did for me.

No matter what the cause is the effect remains that for the most part kids today are setting goals we could have never fathomed let alone attained. They are beginning young to be politically aware and as they are reaching voting age they are and will increasingly be the deciding factor on how our cities countries and world will be shaped. By all that I have seen the majority of them will do far better than we have done so far and at an earlier age.

So here is where I throw the monkey wrench into the machine and muck it up.

Gryphen points out for just these reasons he made and I also write about here the republican machine and its evil spawn the Tea buggers are running scared thinking their days are numbered.

They are wanting to legislate all areas of the family, in that they want to control a woman's right to choose whether to have children and how she goes about it. We all know that the extreme right tend to have far more kids than the mid to left political minded. Much of the funding for the elections today by the industrial complex are to push back many of these same social reforms that have caused this paradigm shift we see in our own children back to a day of social slavery.

With the degree of fear, greed and narcissistic selfishness prevalent in the political arena how is this affecting the views and opinions of the children whose parents of the extreme right?

When thinking on this the only person that came to my mind was the queen bee her self Sarah Palin.  I am not one to often comment on how a person raises their children in public but this issue really needs to be talked about.

All of America and the world has been witness to her rants as well as those of many of the people she supports. The corruption and greed that they vehemently deny, as well as the lies and machinations they spread have to be seen to an exponentially greater degree by her children. Whether they are too young to recognize it or not, it must surely be to a point detrimental to their development.

I think in all honesty this hypothesis is born out by the frequency, level and degree of dysfunctional  behavior exhibited in the past.

Does this mean that not just the Palins but many of the like minded families, because of the simple fact that they breed more could usurp much of the Generation We kids momentum to building a better world?

I don't know a whole lot about the Palins in particular but Gryphens' blog is based out of Alaska and I would like to know from some of his posters if they could confirm that the run ins with the law, teen pregnancy and alcohol abuse extend to other members of the family and not just Bristol.

I am hoping that for all of our kids sake I am dead wrong and that even the Palin kids and others like them can rise above their parent hate and prejudices and choose the better angles of their own nature.

Wake Up Sarah. Today seems rosy and dollar filled but if your kids turn out to buck your beliefs and become part of Generation We they might not be so proud of Mommy Warbucks anymore.

But since we cant count on Sister Sarah to do the right thing and be considerate to her kids and ours all we have left is the power of the vote to make sure there are people other than the corporate hate mongers to preserve what is left for Generation We.

Posted by Mark Sumpter on 4:26 PM. Filed under , , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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