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"The midterm election is only a few weeks away, and many people claim they are still undecided on how they will vote," Holy Taco writes. "These people are filthy liars."
Teachers have no First Amendment free-speech protection for curricular decisions they make in the classroom, a federal appeals court ruled on Thursday.
"Only the school board has ultimate responsibility for what goes on in the classroom, legitimately giving it a say over what teachers may (or may not) teach in the classroom," the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, in Cincinnati, said in its opinion.
The decision came in the case of an Ohio teacher whose contract was not renewed in 2002 after community controversy over reading selections she assigned to her high school English classes. These included Siddhartha , by Herman Hesse, and a unit on book censorship in which the teacher allowed students to pick books from a list of frequently challenged works, and some students chose Heather Has Two Mommies, by Leslea Newman.
I will be getting that suitable for framing certificate out to you in the mail today Joe, it will look great on the wall with your West Point Diploma that I paid for and you refuse to disclose information about, as well as the Yale Law degree you apparently slept through the classes for.By Proclamation:
- For your ever eloquent arguments that Social Security, Unemployment, and other federally mandated forms of entitlement being unconstitutional while you and your family partook and were recipients in these same programs.
- For furthering the backlogs facing the municipal court systems of Alaska by disputing a lawsuit to obtain you employment records with the Alaskan North Star Council where you by your own admission were discharged for impropriety. For your further suit against the North Star Council seeking monetary recompense for their release of public records concerning your tenure as council.
- For you furthering employment to the disadvantaged in Alaska by hiring an unlicensed security firm to breach the laws laid down in the First Amendment of the Constitution concerning freedom of the press and arresting a bonafide journalist for asking you "difficult questions" after you stated you would no longer answer personal questions.
- For your equating the United States immigration problem to that of communist Germany and advocating the same solutions that were effected by the Berlin Wall as a solution.
For all of these and every other reason not stated we are proud to name you. Joseph Wayne Miller Ass Hat of the Week for September 22 - 29, 2010.
One of those locals, a soft spoken woman, (who) managed to ask Joe about the questions surrounding his military career. Joe did NOT like having that question asked.
"You were at the last town hall meeting, and I saw you with Murkowski about just two days ago , and I understand you are working on that campaign." He responded somewhat angrily.
The lady asking the question denied this was true, but Joe was undeterred and went into his "we are the most disclosed campaign in recent Alaska history" (Oops, forgot about you again Sarah!) and then continued on to list his work history as a magistrate and attorney in Fairbanks, but never really got back to answering the woman's question.
There was another Anchorage person who called Joe a "Welfare Queen" and asked how he could be against the programs that he himself had taken advantage of. Miller said his problem was not with the programs themselves, but rather who was in charge of these programs. (Yeah that answer confused me too.)
In response to another question about the state's ability to take care of itself without Federal dollars Miller responded by saying that "there was EXTREME wealth in this state if only the government would just let people get to it." (I am guessing this was in reference to opening up ANWR.)
However it was a question posed to him by a like minded supporter that provided the most jaw dropping moment of the town hall.
A gentleman ask Teabagger Joe how he felt about the illegal immigrant problem, and made sure that everybody understood he was speaking of "illegal" immigrants.
Joe quickly went through his talking points about national security and the illegal activity engaged in by the people coming over the border from Mexico, and then reiterated that the first priority was to build a fence.
Then things got a little surreal.
In his xenophobic zeal Miller asked how hard could it be to build a fence? After all, and this is a direct quote, "If East Germany can do it, we can do it!"
Teabagger Joe's "security staff" placed the founder of the Alaska Dispatch under arrest!
Hopfinger was reportedly pressing Miller on whether the candidate had ever been reprimanded for politicking while working at the Fairbanks North Star Borough in 2008. Alaska Dispatch and other media have sued for the release for records related Miller's time at the borough. Various accounts of what happened next generally agree on this course of events:
* Two or three bodyguards told Hopfinger to stop asking questions and to leave the building.
* Hopfinger continued to ask questions while apparently videotaping the candidate.
* Bodyguards told him that if he persisted they would arrest him for trespassing, but refused to identify themselves to Hopfinger.
* Hopfinger asked why he was trespassing, as the event was at a public school. Seconds later, he was then put in arm-bar and later handcuffed and sequestered at one end of a hallway for at least 30 minutes. He was told, "You're under arrest."
* Anchorage Police arrived on the scene shortly after.
Police were still trying to sort things out as this was written.
[Update, 10/18, 7:08 p.m. AKDT]: Anchorage Police freed Alaska Dispatcher editor Tony Hopfinger from Senate candidate Joe Mlller's body guards at Central Middle School early Sunday evening. Sergeant Mark Rein of the Anchorage Police Department said Hopfinger is not in custody or under arrest. Hopfinger had been trying to ask Miller questions when two or three guards told him to leave or risk being charged with trespassing.
When Hopfinger continued to try to ask questions, one of the guards put the reporter in an arm-bar and then handcuffed him.
Hopfinger was released after police arrived.
The reporter was on public property where a public event was being held at the time of the incident.
Miller has been adamant about his desire to avoid talking to the Alaska media, but no one in the working press in Alaska has ever before seen a candidate to go this length to avoid questions.
I came across a post and video today on one of the numerous blog and news sites that I frequent ( actually one of my favorites called the Immoral Minority ) entitled "My little girl and the power of tomorrow".
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see." John W. Whiteside, Founder, Rutherford Institute